anyway,we ended up going to the pub with my dads partner joan.first of all we went to quite a traditional pub in willenhall,as my dad wanted to check it out.his niece is going to be taking it over so he was was a pretty standard old type pub,but it was quite cosy in there,and i didn't feel like we weren't welcome.sometimes you get that in small local can feel like you've walked into someones living room.ugh.there was a boxer dog (or a similar breed) behind the counter,he had a funny little squashy face,he looked so cute,but scary cute.
after we had a drink we then went to a pub nearer my dads and had a drink there's so nice just to sit and have a chat and a drink.

not a great picture,but it was pretty to see the lights twinkling in the dark (in the second pub carpark)
ehehe you little drunky! :) i am very jealous of the connection you have with your dad. wish i was the same with mine. ahhh you are a lucky beaver