Thursday, 7 January 2010

snow day

the uk has pretty much been brought to a standstill by this huge amount of snow and coldness we've had.even cardiff got bitten by it,it snowed pretty heavy last night and only just seems to be clearing now.

i was due to have a driving lesson this morning,but my driving instructor don called to cancel due to (you guessed it) the snow.i was kinda relieved as it meant i could continue being the sloth i have been all week and sleep in even later.the only thing is that i haven't had a lesson for a couple of weeks now,as i was way too ill last week,so i feel like i need to get back into the swing of things.fingers crossed lesson next week goes ahead.

so today has been another lazy one.well,lazy in that i have only been out to walk the doglets.but i enjoy staying in and being cosy and homely,so i didn't mind about the snow in that sense!i have a craft fair coming up on saturday so i spent most of the day crafting and watching the forgotten.i'm really into it at the moment,and have rediscovered christian slater,he's pretty awesome.and i do adore robin hood:prince of thieves which we watched the other evening.i love that christian (first name terms see?) at least attempts an english accent unlike kevin costner.even when christian says "blimey!",hehe.

anyway,just thought i would write a brief update of my laptop battery is dying and i can't be bothered to plug it in,seeing as it is 1.29am,so goodnight for now my lovelies xxxx

ps. enter my giveaway! (a few posts back)


  1. Hi, though I'm finding it very hard to read your blog, I still can't quit, because its always a joy to read your blogs.

    Can you maybe increase the font size a bit.

    I wish it would stop snowing, its been snowing here a lot too.. My God, what's happening. Is the climate angry on those so-called Global warming freaks?

  2. My first time stopping by. I love the title of this blog "this is for the hearts still beating". There's a lot of snow here too. It's kind of wonderful and kind of awful at the same time. I struggle to decide, I guess it depends if I have to go out in it or not.

  3. aw thanks eva,it's a converge lyric from the song 'last light' <3 can't wait to read your blog,looks so interesting!x
