Monday, 8 February 2010

fairing it up over the weekend

and wow,am i tired!who'd have thought that simply setting up a stall and then sitting at it would be so tiring?!

i was due to have a driving lesson tonight but had to cancel,i am just so tired,i doubt i'd be great at learning anything tonight!i always feel shitty for cancelling,but i've booked an extra hour next week (so i will have 2 and a half hours learning next week) so i can hopefully make up for not having a lesson this week.i think next time i have two fairs in a row,i better not book a driving lesson the next day! first fair was at A Fashionable Af'Fayre held in Le Pub, Newport.i did the same fair a month ago,as it's held on the first saturday of every month.whereas last month was quiet but i still made a little money,this fair was absolutely dead.i don't think more than a handful of people came in,and i think most stall holders were disappointed as was i!but having said that,it was nice to chat to a few people i knew from the last fair,and i was very pleased to have my lovely sam turn up!she came with her friend kev,who i 'know' through blogger,facebook and myspace.he seemed lovely and friendly,which is always a good thing!sam made me brownies too!nutty brownies,and chocolate orange brownies.they were both delicious,but i adore chocolate orange and being vegan now,it's one of the flavours i i was in cakey heaven.sam is an awesome little vegan baker,and the fact that she brings me her baked goods (why does that sound wrong?!) makes her an even more special friend (if that were possible).mikee and i packed up and left around 3.30,which was a little earlier than planned,but we were more than ready to go!

i have to admit i was a little disheartened as i had really hoped i would make at least a little money,because well,i am pretty broke until payday!but the day was fun,seeing familiar and new faces,so i couldn't feel too down about it!

i made a little more effort with the table this very gothic!

sunday evening was the Northcote Lane Market fair,which is held on the first sunday of every month (see a pattern here?) at a cool little bar called Milgi's, not far from where we live.

this one is held on the evening and quite well established,so the turnout was pretty awesome!it started at 6pm and almost immediately it was packed with people coming to look at all the vintage and handmade products!there were lots of stalls and sellers,and although it was a bit crammed in there,it was a brilliant atmosphere.not great for anyone suffering from claustrophobia though!

i didn't get to take a photo as i didn't really have much of a 'set up' going was just a case of laying my goods out and hoping it look semi-tidy!to be honest though it had quite a 'market' atmosphere,so the haphazard table layout kinda worked!and it must have been okay,as i managed to sell a decent amount,mainly notebooks.i made £65 which was means that i can go food shopping tonight,and also buy some gas and electric to keep our little bodies nice and toasty this week!and it really made me feel good,to have people like what i make,and actually want to buy it...well that's just amazing,and i feel so grateful for it!

*(as you can guess,i've been a little more than short of money this month,i blame my overspending on craft materials,my tattoo and mikee's setting up of his own business and therefore having to buy loads of electrical gear,which isn't cheap!)

so it was a busy weekend and i'm gonna be happy just to chill out tonight...and eat lots!and watch the last episode of true blood,season two.just sad i'm going to have to wait for season 3 now...eeek!


  1. I can totally understand the booth situation. We did an event this weekend and the crappy thing about food is when it doesn't sell you have to throw it away. Its literally seeing money go down the drain. We did pretty good, but I next time I would like to have nothing left!!!

    Do you sell your stuff etsy?

  2. wahey!

    We can afford fritters tomorrow ♥

    Cant wait for your fair sweets! xxxx

    PS - see you again tomorrow! weeeeeeeeeee!x

  3. awww i'm so glad the second fair went well..i wish I could climb into the photograph to have a good nosey at all your makes - they look amazing my dear! you should do some more blogging about what you craft because I know everyone would love to see 'em [me included!]

    snuggles x

  4. I'm so glad the second fair was so successful!

  5. thank you so much lovely ladies!love and hugs and kisses to you all xxxx
