Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Day #25 - My day, in great detail

Here goes... brace yourself for the excitement!

8.00am - Alarm goes off... reset
8.05am - Alarm goes off... reset
8.10am - Alarm goes off... reset

Repeat the above until...

8.50am - Get out of bed in a hurry, as realise I need to be in work for 9am.
Get dressed, put hair extensions in, put make-up on (if have time). Leave at around 8.58am (I guess I get ready quite fast huh?!).

9am - Arrive at work right on the dot. (I literally live across the road from my workplace... how spoilt am I?!)

9am onwards... Turn the answerphone off, take any messages (and put in the relevant staff members pigeonholes), make sure the blind is up on the front door, check the copier has paper.

9.05am - Cup of tea time! (And while kettle is boiling, apply make-up in the toilet, if didn't have time at home!)

After cup of tea is made, do work type stuff (opening mail, answering door and phones, dealing with counselling/on-call/volunteering admin, checking emails, greeting clients... mainly Receptionist type duties, but with a lot of added tasks while the Counselling and Volunteer Co-Ordinator is away).

12pm - Lunchtime! Go home (another perk of living just across the road from work!), see the boys (Bambi and Bela), walk them if Mikee is out. If he's in I don't need to walk them as he has by now (hopefully!).
Make lunch! (Some of my current faves: houmous and salad on white bread... crisps... noodles and fried tofu... good old beans/spaghetti on toast... obviously not all at the same time!)
Maybe check emails/Facebook, read my book, or just lie on the couch until it's time to go back to work! The last option is the worst as I never want to go back to work if I've chilled out... I'd rather stay at home and nap!

1pm - Back at work, do the same kind of stuff that I did in the morning!

5pm - Finish work for the day (though it's usually more closer to 5.10pm by the time someone comes to take over on reception... boo!)

5.15pm ish - Get home, walk Bam and Bela if Mikee is out.
This varies, like if Mikee is in, or if I have a driving lesson. For example, last night I had to run in, change my shoes and run out as my Driving Instructor was picking me up outside the flat for my 5.15pm lesson (just an hour this week, it's normally an hour and a half lesson. I love the hour lessons... they go so fast!)

5.30pm onwards - As it normally takes me a half hour or so to get in and do some bits and bobs, I normally sit down/crash out like a slob about 5.30pm.

I normally have my evening meal between 6 and 8 really, just depends when we're hungry (though half the time it's just me as Mikee is out at work) and can be bothered to cook!

8pm (ish) - For years and years I have rung my parents (seperately, as they have been divorced a long time!) around this time. Every night, unless they're out or I'm out/sleeping (I fall asleep a lot at home! Central heating and comfy sofas do that to me!). We usually chat just for a few minutes, but I like to ring them. Keeps us connected, and it is a long tradition of mine! Every few days or so I'll ring my brothers too. I actually dislike talking on the phone to anyone else, I just like to chill out at home... maybe it's because I answer the phone/go to work all day!? Or maybe I'm just an antisocial grump?!

The rest of the night is usually spent crafting... but I usually have a week or so where I'm all stocked up for the fayres so I don't have much to do. The other couple of weeks are usually looooong evenings of crafting! I do love it though! I can be crafting from 6pm until 1am sometimes, but I'm definitely not complaining! These are usually the evenings that Mikee is working so the boys will spend the evening napping/sitting next to me and I'll be camped out on the floor making stuff (and making a mess!)

On the nights I'm not crafting I/we watch a lot of films. And I'm reading a lot more lately. I'm a natural bookworm, though sometimes busy-ness takes over and I don't read for a few days at a time. That's a life fail right there!

Bambi and Bela get walked/taken outside a few times an evening as we don't have a garden (as well as their walks in the daytime), which is a bit sucky.

12am onwards... Bedtime... or 'sometimes fall asleep on the sofa time' until Mikee goes to bed and wakes me up, which is usually a couple of hours later (his job makes him a bit of a natural night owl I think!).

And then... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, your alarm sounds like ours, we are forever hitting snooze, except kiddo comes running in if we are too long! Have you tried red pepper houmus and sun dried tomato sandwiches? Yummy!
