As a vegan, what is your view on people who do eat meat?
oooh,this is an interesting one!
first of all,i'd like to say i don't hate meat eaters,and i don't think they're evil...though i do hate the consumption of meat and production of it.
in a way,meat eaters make me sad,as i just wish they had the same views as veggies and vegans.normally i would never want people to have exactly the same views as me,as that wouldn't be right...and it would make the world a very dull place!
but in terms of meat,i wish all people could see how unnecessary it is,and the cruelty involved.
i have been vegan for around 10 months and have loved every minute of it.before that i was veggie for around 3 years or so.i really can't believe how long it took me to go veggie!i have always loved animals and hated animal cruelty (i even attempted to be veggie when i was in my early teens) but i think it was easier to close my eyes to what goes on,and eat meat.
eating meat is just purely unnecessary i feel.i can understand that others would find it hard to go vegan,it's definitely more tricky.i do find it easy now,but i'll admit (as i think most vegans would) that sometimes i would love to eat a chocolate bar,or a cake,or cheese!(i think cheese is what a lot of vegans miss!).i mean there is substitutes for each,though they're not as nice,but they're not as readily available as the dairy versions.however that said,not eating anything animal derived gives me such a buss and makes me so happy,that the pros of being vegan totally outweigh the cons.
as with eating meat,i ignored the negative sides of the dairy industry as it was purely the easiest thing to do.i don't think many people realise what goes on with the production of cows are constantly impregnated to produce vast quantities of milk,how the milk that is meant for the calves is taken away,and how the calves themselves are treated (female calves await the same fate as their mothers,and male cows are shipped off to their terrible fate to become what we call veal).we as humans do not need to do this to other sentient beings.i have always believed in treating others as we would like to be treated.imagine if this all happened to humans...the people doing it would be branded monstrous,and as murderers.the world is in a bad shape as it is,how can we ignore the plight of innocent animals that have no voices?they cannot tell us that they want to live.but they do.every creature wants to live.
so,people who eat meat...i can't judge as i too used to eat meat.but i do urge those who do,to at least look into how meat and dairy is produced.and as awful as it is,watch video footage (such as peta)...if you can then eat meat,then that is your choice.but these videos tell it like it is.the horror of the slaughterhouses can never be a beefburger really worth it?and is hard at times.but i feel healthier from being vegan (i used to be such a junk food girl!),my teeth don't hurt so much (as i rarely eat chocolate,and if i do it's cocoa) and i know that no animal,in any shape or form,has been harmed to provide my's an amazing feeling.